Data security is of paramount especially so when the system in question is attached to an organization. In today’s digitized world it is but natural that most of the industries even the ones not associated with IT will store all their essentials on their servers via the computers and this puts their entire operation at peril all thanks to the evils of the internet including Ransomware.

The infographic divulges interesting facts!. Like for instance – the average number of days a hacker sits on your network before they are detected is 140 days! This just shows how difficult it is to track the hacker – and in the meanwhile, they can carry out large-scale damage to your personal data. Data Breaches don’t come cheap, especially at the organizational level. The average cost/business impact per security breach is $12M and mind you this is just the average. To make the things worse, it is said that 87% of senior managers admit to regularly uploading work files to a personal email or cloud account.

Office 365 Enterprise is keeping your Data safe

Now let’s see how Office 365 Enterprise will help you secure your data in these scenarios and help you understand the benefits of each service offered. E-mail is one of the common entry points for cybercriminals who use spam, phishing, ransomware and other online threats. The perils of this are instantly minimized by Advanced Threat Protection. Administrators can manage things related to their security and compliance controls across Office 365 from the security and compliance center. All the devices used by the employees can be protected by using Office 365 and Enterprise Mobility Suite which will help protect the mobile devices from the potential security threats. Furthermore, the infographic explains how Microsoft’s CyberSecurity Intelligence and machine learning capabilities give it an edge over other business solutions in order to promptly tackle the threats. Cybersecurity intelligence is designed to detect anomalies with the help of behavioral analytics and automatically identify the threats and eventually assess their risks by making use of the Advanced Security Management. The suite also protects you from unknown malware by scanning email attachments before being downloaded or even accessed online. Making use of the predictive coding and machine learning advanced eDiscovery can significantly decrease the volume of data that has to be reviewed and will thus help the organization on precious man-hours and other resources. Moving on to the Policy part, Advanced Security Management will allow you to set security policies, identify violations and also suspend user’s account if deemed necessary. The Customer Lockbox will let you maintain end to end compliance with the data access controls. The feature rich reporting and tracking features will help the IT administrator to gain critical insights. Take a look at the full infographic at