Far Cry 5 Xbox One game review

For Fry Cry 5, the creators decided to prove everyone wrong by letting the game break all structures. It’s almost like a game of cat and mouse, with the mouse being the new game and the cat the dreaded past chapters of the series. Does the mouse escape unscathed in the end? Read on to find out. Story The game leads you to a very different setting than usual. There’s no more of the exotic locations that the previous games preferred but a journey closer to the homes of a lot of players. The game is situated in the rural areas of North-Western America and right in the core of the militia. This time you are not fighting ordinary crazy goons either but some very weird followers of a pseudo-Christian cult. They are led by four siblings, the bosses if you will. The villains themselves are very well-fleshed out and the setting often dramatic. While their ideas might seem strange to anyone, one must say that they have their heart in the right place throughout.

The game also offers you a choice. You can go for one side of the story or switch between its several ongoing dramatic storylines, giving Far Cry 5 a freedom none of its predecessors could boast of. Perhaps Joseph Seed can be termed the main villain of the story; his three companions are not to be trifled with. Indeed, each of them represents a different region, landscape, and storyline. Each fight will lead you through intriguing story arcs before ending in the very cathartic final battle. What is also interesting is how much the game’s landscapes and people seem to mirror modern-day America. There are twists and turns on every corner and people you see around might hide the potential to be a hero or a deadly enemy. As you delve deeper into the game, you realize that the game is not all about killing and destroying things while you are at it. No, FarCry 5 stands for more, far more, although what that is, is for you to discover. But while its predecessors could not boast of it, this one does give you a feeling of being on the good side as you help your comrades rise against the villainish forces and establish a semblance of ordinary life again. Gameplay The first thing that one needs to comment on here is perhaps the organic nature of the game play. Gone are the days when you needed to climb high towers to scour for missions and to establish your exact location. No more are you handed out a to-do list full of stuff to do. Instead, you do things because you naturally come across them or some character you happen to meet on your journey who assigns you a task. While there are still some indicators left on the screen, the game has mostly done away with those pesky arrows and maps that kept making the previous games tedious and monotonous after a certain point. That, combined with the lush, breathtaking scenery, will make for a journey the predecessors will not have prepared you for. If you are about to dive into this one thinking it’s just another Far Cry game, think again.

While the game does take it up a notch by giving us not one but four well-rounded villains, you will also be wrong to think that this fifth addition to the series broke the structure of the series completely. No, sir. A lot of the missions are excellently designed and play out relatively well, but a lot of the organic and immersive nature is lost as you are stuck repeating certain things over and over again, like rescuing kidnapped citizens and clearing road blocks, and you might even get hit by a truck-load of memories of playing the older games in the series. But, approach-wise, it sometimes just could not get any better. Far Cry 5 is no shooter like the Call of Duty and lacks the fluid action of the same. But it does offer variety and interest, what with its very limited ammunition, a diverse arsenal, and a very sassy AI, making it the best one of the lot when it comes to fighting. The Stealth mode is developed well too, and sometimes even encouraged in situations where seeing out battle will get you killed. Perhaps the part that has received the most approval is how this chapter has dealt with allies. You have a variety of options and choices that you had never been presented with before. You may recruit normal citizens to fight alongside you and then go on to unlock newer abilities as they keep leveling up. Some missions will also give you access to warriors who will offer your special support so you may as well unlock snipers and gain some air support too while enlisting the help of the dog, Boomer, who tracks and kills enemies and Peaches, a cougar, who comes with a range of stealth options. While you are at it, you may also have fun adventuring with the range of vehicles available, from muscle cars and revamped and armed tractors to juggernauts with machine guns. And then enter the main villains and, boy, have they been created well. Each Seed sibling comes with their own specific set of quirks and challenges, with the quiet enigma of Joseph, the lure of Faith and the direct onslaught of the fierce John. These scenes feature some of the most brutal tortures and challenges that you can probably stomach, but the game does a brilliant job at leading you through the action. Verdict So, what’s the verdict? Does the Far Cry 5 escape the terrifying bounds of the repetitive ‘Ubigame’? Does it do more? With its fantastic scenery and excellent combat options and missions, Far Cry 5 does make for a pretty decent game. The villains too offer their own range of challenges and quirks to the gameplay and the organic nature of the action perhaps makes you appreciate this one more than you would have done its predecessors. But, the hype does die down at points where you are forced to perform repetitive actions, rescuing the same guy over and over again, for example, and you feel stuck in the same old structure of the old ones in the series. So, while this game will knock the breath out of your lungs at several points, it sort of also falls short of what it could have been if there had been more variety in the mission design.