It is well known fact that with every new version of Windows including its updates, comes a new set of compatibility issues, registry changes. I was recently told that some user were finding that AutoCAD did not work after the Windows 11/10 Upgrade. A posting at their website states: Not supported does not mean that it will not run. By changing a value in the Windows Registry, you can force it to run.

AutoCad not working in Windows 11/10

1] If you face this issue, the first thing you want to do is reinstall AutoCAD and see if it solves your problem. 2] AutoCAD requires .NET 4.x. Windows 11/10 comes with .NET 4.6 Framework installed and it should work with all applications that require older version of .NET Framework. But you need to check if it is installed correctly and enabled. To do this, Open Control Panel > Programs & Features > Turn Windows features On or Off. Confirm that the .NET Framework 4.6 Advanced Services box is checked. If you think that the installation may be corrupted, you may need to repair it. See if Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool applies to your system and helps you. 3] If this does not help, you can fool AutoCAD installer and make it believe that .NET 4.5 is installed. For that you will have to edit the registry. Please note that using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide problems that may require you to re-install Windows to correct them. So do create a system restore point first and backup the Registry. Open Registry Editor by typing regedit in the run dialog box and navigate to the following address: Find the key called Version. Check its value and note it, you’ll need it for later reference. In my case it is

You have to change its value from (in my case) to But Windows will not let you do so. You will have to  take full control of Windows Registry keys manually or by using our freeware RegOwnIt. To do this, right click the Client entry on the left side and choose Permissions. Next, click the Advanced the button. Thereafter, locate the Owner section on the top and adjacent to the TrustedInstaller click Change link. You have to change it to Administrators group. Click Apply and OK to save your settings. Now go back and change the Value of the Version key in Registry Editor to This is the .NET version which AutoCAD is programmed for and checks for, during installation Now run AutoCAD and see if it works. Once the installation process is complete, go back and change the value from to your own value which you had noted down.

Why is my AutoCAD not working?

The main reason why AutoCAD might not work on your computer is because of the lack of a .NET Framework. For your information, this program requires .NET 4.x or later versions. If you do not have that or a newer edition installed on your computer, you need to install it first. Other than that, you can also follow all the aforementioned solutions to get the job done.

Does AutoCAD work on Windows 11/10?

Yes, AutoCAD works on Windows 11 and Windows 10 without any problem. If your computer meets the system requirement for this app, you can undoubtedly use AutoCAD on your PC. However, you must have .NET Framework 4.x or a later version installed. Hope this helps!